Route Canada 2023
What a huge country!

After picking up our RV in eastern Canada - in Halifax, we knew we were going to drive west, to Vancouver. We also had the idea of traveling to Alaska or Yukon. Once we enjoyed being on the road and encountering such nice people, places and nature, we abandoned the Alaska/Yukon idea.

The shortest route from Halifax to Vancouver is over 5700 km/3550 Miles, that is without Prince Edward Island and all the places and national parks we visited. The route from Vancouver to Anchorage Alaska would add to that and that is another 7000 km/4400 Miles for a round trip. A round trip to the Yukon is "slightly" shorter.

Continually making choices

Traveling without pre-booked places to stay is wonderful. You constantly make new choices along the way. If it's really nice and cozy somewhere, you can stay longer. Also the tips from the boondockers hosts, sometimes influence the continuation of the route. There are not that many roads in Canada and on the route from east to west you also pass very large cities. Beforehand, we had the idea of visiting some of them, but after staying with the boondockers and in nature, we didn't feel like it at all.

Carmen & Lorenzo

We knew that Carmen & Lorenzo would be visiting sometime in September. This, of course, also influenced the route. We still wanted to see much of western Canada and decided, partly for that reason, to drive 3500 km west in one week. There too we saw very nice things and met nice people.

When the date and meeting place in San Francisco (America) became final, we chose to drive to San Francisco not via Vancouver, but via Yellowstone and Grand Teton.

Travel without "fear"

We wish that for everyone, and by this we mean, fear:

  1. To miss something (FOMO - fear of missing out)
  2. That there is no overnight camping site
  3. That it rains and you don't experience what you expected beforehand
  4. That you forget to pack something from home........
Our experience
  1. The country is so big and there is so much to see, we missed a lot for sure
  2. Did you know that you can often book camping spots in national parks last minute? If you can be flexible and don't have to stay at the same camping spot every day, there are quite a few options. In our experience, there are often still options at the campground reception and some campgrounds have overflow overnight parking. There are also campgrounds that only release spaces 48 hours in advance. At 8 a.m. in the morning with the laptop ready, we were able to reserve Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Teton during the peak season. We spent a lot of time at boondockers, unfortunately there are none in and around the national parks
  3. It did not rain much during our Canada trip. In Banff it rained for several days, these days we drove in the park and spotted some beautiful animals. The rain doesn't bother the animals
  4. You can buy everything overhere
Crossing the border to America

We took a rental motorhome ferry from Victoria - Vancouver Island - Canada to Port Angelos - America in 2018. Upon entering America, we had to turn in all our fruits and vegetables. In this link you can read back the rules. We were curious to see how it would go this time. 

In Waterton Lake National park in Canada you drive to the border of America and then the nature is called Glacier National Park. It is a small border post that is only open in the summer months. There were only 2 cars in front of us. With us, the procedure went as follows:

  1. We were asked about our Esta. We showed our passport with our B2 visa
  2. We were asked about our next destination and our travel plans
  3. We had to park our camper and walk to the office, where another employee would help us further
  4. Our photo and fingerprints where taken
  5. Questions were asked such as: Why does the Netherlands always lose with penalties in soccer. Why isn't your passport orange? The questions seem fun, but are mainly to check if you are who you are
  6. Finally, we had to pay a total of USD$12 in handling fees and we were in America
  7. No RV inspection!
Chief Mountain border crossing
Chief Mountain border crossing
What we asked on the spot

We may travel across America for six months. After six months we have to leave country and we can return to travel across America for another six months. The B2 visa allows you to do this for 10 years. It's not that we have this intention, but we always like to know where we stand with these particular rules.

Canada and Mexico are not considered "out of the country" by the US government. We have read a lot about this, but also know that practice is often different. We asked the customs officer the following: We have heard from various channels that an extension to one year is also given immediately. Is this correct? 

The answer was: You must have left the country for a "reasonable" time by the time your visa expires and then return to the border. There are no guidelines for "reasonable." Conclusion for anyone who wants to travel longer: just ask on the spot, then ask again by then!


We are heading to the Powwow festival of the Blackfeet Indians. Very much looking forward to it!

Do you also want to ship your RV?

Then also read this blog. This contains links to applying for a B2 visa (should you wish to travel to America) and information on shipping and insurance.