We knew Wim Hof mainly as "The Iceman." A gentleman who showed on television that he could stay in ice cold water for very long periods of time without any effect on his mental and physical health. Only much later, during yoga classes taught by Misko Semenjuk were we introduced to breathing and learned about the benefits of the Wim Hof Method.
In this blog, we describe why we choose this method and what it has brought us so far. We think it is important to mention that the explanation is very well described on the Wim Hof website, and in the app. We have copied some of the descriptions and added the link to the original piece.
The Wim Hof Method® can be defined by it’s simple, easy-to-apply approach and it’s strong scientific foundation, it’s a practical way to become happier, healthier and stronger
The website, reads the following:
"Simply put, the Wim Hof Method® is a way to keep your body and mind in an optimal natural state. For most of our evolutionary history, a relentless natural environment automatically did this for us: sub-zero temperatures, howling winds and hungry wolves kept our muscles and veins supple and our minds sharp and clear. These days, phones exhaust our brains, while the rest of our bodies languish while we sit in hot rooms, strapped to stiffening chairs. As a result, those natural defenses are no longer on edge. We get sick faster. We become stressed, sleep poorly and wake up without focus or energy.
Over time, our relationship with the world we live in has changed. Our lifestyle has disconnected us from the natural environment. Because of this disconnection, our ancient survival mechanisms are no longer activated and we have lost touch with our inner strength. Through decades of self-research and groundbreaking scientific studies, Wim has created a simple, effective way to stimulate these deep physiological processes and realize our full potential. The Wim Hof Method® is about reconnecting us - with ourselves, with others and with nature."
Read here .
This is for several reasons:
It doesn't have to cost money. We downloaded the app. Its cost is €40 per year. We like to be guided during breathing and know when we can stop and when we can start again.
We choose to do this in the morning, right after we wake up. Then we first take a hot shower and then a cold shower.
Robert breathes in and out through his mouth, Ingrid - in through the nose and out through the mouth. On the app you can set at what pace and how many times you want to inhale. We both set slow. Robert does 40 inhalations and Ingrid 60. We usually do three rounds.
Once you get used to this way of breathing in and out after a few times, then you can add to it. This is something we do and is not described in the WH method. You can visualize with each inhale, that you are e.g. healthy, relaxed or energetic. It doesn't matter what you do, but you give your body and mind a positive vibe.
We are curious to hear about your experiences!