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Flight tickets


With skyscanner you can easily get an overview on which date the cheapest ticket can be found. You can also enter an entire country as a destination and you will find the cheapest airline ticket.


With Cheaptickets, you can easily search for airline tickets, hotels and car rentals. Also convenient is the option to see your prices 3 days earlier or later. As well as alternatives airports nearby.


At Chaser you cannot book airline tickets, only search. They compare all websites offering airline tickets. Instead of comparing all the websites yourself, Chaser does it for you.

Flight information


With Seatguru, you can check what type of aircraft is being used and where you can best sit. Here you can also find all aircraft information by airline or book a car and airline ticket.


Flightconnections provides an overview of all flight routes worldwide. Find flights from all airports around the world and from all airlines. Search direct and and indirect flights to discover new routes.

With Flightradar24 you follow live all the air traffic in the world with detail information of each flight. Follow the flight of family and friends and see where they are currently flying.



Nordvpn biedt naast een veilige anonieme verbinding een aantal extra functionaliteiten, zoals: Password manager en malware bescherming. Nordvpn is wel één van de duurdere VPN’s.


Expressvpn heeft een ruime keuze aan locaties met servers in 94 landen. Expressvpn  is perfect voor reizigers. Met de eenvoudige interface kun je bijna alles streamen alsof je thuis bent.


If you don't have much experience with a VPN program yet, Tunnelbear is good to start with. It has a simple interface and not many options. 

Travel tracker


Plan, track and relive your travels in a smart and beautiful way. Keep your phone in your pocket and your eyes on the world. Share it with everyone or keep it to yourself. Automatically create a photo book of your trip.


Manage your travel itinerary with the drag and drop planner. Find the best accommodation, discover ideal routes for each destination and get insight into estimated travel time between locations.


Turn on Travel Tracker, and your phone will automatically log your travel itinerary. This tracker is battery-saving, works offline, detects flights and much more! Automatically create a photo book of your trip.

RV navigation


Sygic caravan and motorhome navigation has thousands Points Of Interest (POI) in addition to dimension-specific routes specifically for motorhomes and caravans. If you are online, you also have insight into fuel prices along the way.



Copilot caravan and RV navigation has all the standard navigation options plus information on campsites, hotels and more. Copilot can be used offline. Some functions require an internet connection, such as fuel prices.


Igo navigation has an option for trucks that can also be used for caravans and motorhomes. Igo can be used completely offline. If you have an Internet connection, you will also get all traffic information as well.